Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Call for Testing: Compiz & Unity

It's the testing event I've been waiting for! A new version unity has arrived, stock full of compiz fixes. The team has removed metacity completely, and also migrated to gsettings from gconf. The result is removal of unity2d, and the enablement of llvmpipe on unity for those running without hardware acceleration.

Now, of course this work, in particular the settings migration, needs to be tested. This is where all of you come in! The package tracker now contains an entry for unity, complete with testcases for this migration. For those who helped test last cycle, you will also notice all of the checkbox testcases have been ported over as well! Many thanks to the unity developers for there help in migrating these tests. For this call for testing, the 'Unity GSetting Migration' testcases have been marked as mandatory, meaning that testcase is the primary focus. However, if you are able, executing the other testcases also helps the unity team ensure there haven't been any regressions.

Please note the 'Unity GSetting Migration' has steps for you to complete BEFORE you install from the ppa. Please read it first before diving in. Here's a link to the testing on the tracker. And if you are new, check out our wiki for a guide on using the qatracker to help test.

Now, as an added bonus, the unity developers have also tagged several multi-monitor bugs and have asked users to go through the list and confirm any bugs that they can. Read the bug report, and if you have a multi-monitor unity setup, see if it's still affecting you. Leave a comment on the bug with your result. The unity team wants to make sure the bugs are able to be triaged and get proper attention if they are still valid.

List of unity bugs, tagged multi-monitor

Thank you in advance for your help, and happy testing everyone!


  1. I'd love to help, but the whole of XORG is broken for all NVIDIA users since the upgrade to 1.13. The proprietary driver does not work anymore, and there's currently no indication on when things will work again. Without the proprietary driver multimonitor setups won't work.

    1. Ingo, yes I am sorry to hear it.. Last cycle I was running a multi-monitor setup with nvidia; this cycle I'm on an amd/ati card using a single monitor and the open drivers. So while the issue didn't affect the machine I'm running, it does affect the community. I was able to run nouveau with multi-monitor last cycle, but I know it's a mixed bag of support. Fingers crossed for nvidia driver update.

    2. Totally agree. I am on an Asus G75 now, and the nvidia-current driver for the dedicated 660M GTX card totally messes up Unity. The only DE that works for me is classic Gnome.

    3. Ingo: I own a MacBook Pro 6,2 with nVidia GeForce GT 330M, and with nouveau driver I'm able to use the external monitor.

      In order to use nouveau, the open source driver for nvidia, uninstall the nvidia binary drivers and delete any blacklist references to nouveau in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist* files (I had an nvidia-update file there left from a previous setup).

  2. Hello ,
    If I have the Ubuntu 12.10 installed and updated , can I participate to qatracker for the testing propose ?
    Thank you.

    1. Yes, since quantal's installed and updated, you can participate in a call for testing. See the post above for information about testing out some new compiz/unity changes before they land in the release. It's as simple as reading the testcase(s) and installing and updating some packages via a ppa. Let me know if you get stuck somewhere ;-)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Oh! I just read the instructions http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/231/builds/21598/downloads ,
      "Prerequisites: Make sure you are running the latest version of quantal, and all your packages are up to date" ,
      so quantal needed. Ignore my above comment for precise (12.04)

      Thank you.

  3. Hello ,
    I want to mention an observation.
    Today I installed Ubuntu 12.10 Daily Build , of course for testing proposes. I added the repository that needed to upgrade Unity , but nothing seemed to be upgraded.

    Also during installation I mentioned that metacity removed.

    Question: New Unity (without ubuntu-2d) integrated to 12.10 ? So is not necessary to add the repository anymore if someone download and install Daily build ?

    Ok , I already added the repository , followed the instruction word by word and already began the testcases , but is my observation correct ?

    Thank you.

    p.s: Unity version is 6.2.0

  4. Latest Unity 6.04 and compiz is still a big mess if you use nvidia and proprietary driver.
    Window movement is awful and game performance is pretty bad.
