Wednesday, June 19, 2013

QATracker Survey + bonus mockup

Hot on the heels of our first cadence week, I wanted to take the opportunity to collect feedback about the tools we as a community utilize. Specifically the QATracker which we heavily rely on for managing our work, testcases and results. From the wiki, "The QATracker is the master repository for all our our testing within ubuntu QA. It holds our testcases, records our results, and helps coordinate our testing events."

This is a link to a brief survey asking a few simple questions about how you've used the tool. All your responses are anonymous, but I will publish the aggregate question information and share it with the community once completed. The goal is to help ensure the tool is meeting our needs and is being utilized.

I'll leave the survey up until June 24th. My hope is to encourage more folks to help test as well as make it more enjoyable for those already taking part. I want to ensure our tools and processes continue to evolve, strengthen and become more robust for everyone as we continue on our mission. Part of that is making sure the tools we use are enjoyable!

Thanks in advance everyone!

As a bonus, Pasi, aka knome, has put together some mockups on how we might be able to switch what the results page looks like. This is perhaps the most utilized page of the site, so without further ado, here's a mockup of some changes proposed to make it more usable:

Old Site
New Site Mockup

What a change eh? The add test results has been moved to the sidebar and simplified, the bugs listing has been written out, and the results have been moved to the top. Finally the links have also been moved to the sidebar and Pasi has updated the icons ;-)

SO, what does everyone think about the changes? Many thanks to Pasi for putting this together! Leave a comment, a message on the mailing list, or reflect your thoughts in the survey.

1 comment:

  1. The change is very suitable. What is most impressive, are the item's test instruction being displayed with being accessed via a seperate link.
